
Lawyer-ed will be hosting its first ever online startup Pitch Competition for university students on the 22nd August, 2024. Individuals or teams of 5 may pitch their business idea to a panel of judges, each of whom are business veterans. Participants will each have 3 minutes to pitch, followed by 2 minutes of feedback from the judges. The winners will be announced to all at the end, with first place receiving their choice of either 30% off of the silver package of Lawyer-ed services or a $100 gift card, with the next two runners up receiving $75 and $50 gift cards respectively.
By participating, aspiring student entrepreneurs will gain valuable experience and insight into the process of business pitching in a risk-free environment, while having the opportunity to not just network with industry veterans, but also to promote your business ideas. Lawyer-ed hopes that this event and future ones will help kickstart interest in entrepreneurship among youth.
Rules and process:
Early decision: 30th July-9th August; $15/participant (/team if applying as a group)
Regular decision: 9th August-14th August; $20/participant (/team if applying as a group)
Register using this Google Form before.
E-transfer the required fee to info@lawyer-ed.org before August 20th, 2024.
25 submissions will be shortlisted. Individuals or teams that don't qualify can receive feedback on their idea, nonetheless, by booking an initial 30-minute consultation with Lawyer-ed for $30.
All applicants will be contacted and the selected ones will be required to sign a media release form.
Participants must join 30 minutes before the competition starts to familiarize themselves with the rules of the competition. Video is mandatory while pitching.
Questions? Write to info@lawyer-ed.org
Prizes are awarded to the winning business, so if you are part of a team that happens to be selected as a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place winner, individual members don't receive the award, the total prize is split amongst members.
The competition will be recorded. For more details, see the media release form
Gear up to participate in Lawyer-ed's Build Your Own Business competition on August 31st, 2024. Compete in groups of 5 (maximum) and come up with an idea for a business. The first place winner and runner up will receive up to 30% and 25%, respectively, off on incubation services with Lawyer-ed. Join us for seminars, working sessions, discussions with like-minded peers and more!
The BYOB believes in Empowerment through Competition and Learning by Doing. Kickstart your entrepreneurial journeys by engaging and immersing yourself in various aspects of entrepreneurship, fostering initiative and practical experience.
Workshops Include:
1. Business Fundamentals
2. Managing Money and Financing for Business

Build Your Own Business Competition
Rules and Relevant Information:
Early decision: 2nd August-16th August; $30/participant (/team if applying as a group)
Regular decision: 17th August-24th August; $40/participant (/team if applying as a group)
Event Duration: 9am-7pm
Register using this Google Form before.
E-transfer the required fee to info@lawyer-ed.org by 11:59pm, August 24th, 2024.
All applicants will be contacted and the selected ones will be required to sign a media release form.
Competition Themes: You and/or your team can build your business around one of the following themes.
Financial Technology
Innovations in everyday technology
Questions? Write to info@lawyer-ed.org